As per Regulation for Refereeing Structure in MAs of FIFA, Referees are to be categorised (Hereinafter referred to as CAT) from 1 to 4, wherein CAT-4 is lowest.
Aim: Aim of this is to introduce and implement the Cat system in BFF. All Referees shall be categorised as under:
FIFA/AFC Referees and Assistant Referees: shall be the top level referees above Cat-1.
CAT-1: Top level referees who supervise top league matches under BFF. Must have supervised at least one season and 20 matches as Cat-2 Referee. Must have passed all four parts of the upgrade examination as applicable for Cat-2 to Cat-1 Referees conducted by BFF. (They are eligible for nomination for the FIFA international list of Referees after having supervised top league matches at least for two seasons and earned very good grading in those matches, subject to availability of vacancy/quota.). All Cat-1 Referees will wear a BFF Badge with a Red border.
CAT-2: Referees who supervise next level league matches than top level and occasionally supervises top league matches under BFF. Must have supervised at least one season and 20 matches as Cat-3 Referee. Must have passed all four parts of the upgrade examination as applicable for the Cat-3 to Cat-2 Referees exam conducted by BFF. All Referees of Cat-2 will wear a BFF Badge with a Red border.
CAT-3: Referees who supervise local league and other age group matches of BFF and occasionally supervise some non-age group matches under BFF. Must have supervised at least one season and 20 matches as a Cat-4 Referee. Must have passed all four parts of the upgrade examination as applicable for the Cat-4 to Cat-3 Referees exam conducted by BFF. All Referees of Cat-3 will wear a BFF Badge with a Yellow border.
CAT-4: Entry level Referees to supervise local league and age group matches must have passed all four parts of examination as applicable for the Cat-4 Referees exam conducted by BFF. All Referees of Cat-4 will wear a BFF Badge with a Yellow border.
GRASSROOT: Entry level Referees Category-G: Referees who do not meet one or more minimum eligibility criteria for Cat-4. While they will be trained along with Cat-4 aspirants and sit for the Cat-4 examination, they will be upgraded to Cat-4 once they meet all entry level qualifications. All such Referees will not wear a BFF Badge until they meet minimum entry level criteria.
General Rules
- Entry level qualification for Cat-4 aspirants shall be at least 10th pass. Age maximum 35 years. No minimum age limit.
- To be eligible to sit for Referees exam at entry level, candidates must attend the Refereeing Course conducted by BFF.
- Examination shall be conducted in four categories as listed below and is applicable for all Categories: Fitness test as applicable to that Cat, Written test if passed above fitness test and Practical Test & viva voce.
- A Referee must keep records of all matches supervised by him/her during the preceding one year and submit the same to BFF to be eligible to sit for the upgrade exam.
- None should be upgraded without undergoing BFF training and meeting other criteria set above.
Fitness Test Standards : Referees must pass the fitness test for all categories every 3 months as per FIFA standard fitness test protocol.